My wings!

Hi hallo its me. Yeay im back with new me.. Urm nothing new actually. But now im no longer student babe! Currently working as pembantu penyelaras dun in PKR office. Im occupied by kerajaan negeri Selangor. Even aku kjer area rumah boleh kira dalam tiga minit zappp aku sampai ke tempat kerja yeah...but every month i need to submit all the document in Shah Alam, Suk laa. Sometimes meeting. Since aku kerja dgn kerajaan negeri there's nothing like permanent komitmen. Aku just follow the flow sambil2 mencari ruang yg mungkin sesuai dgn jiwa aku. 

My career life migth be hectic but aku redhoo je la. Pasrah dgn pikiran mana ada kerja yg senang kan.  Manakan dapat sagunya kalau tak pecahkan ruyung kan. Actually what makes im still here, of coz my familia... Deme dok bagi kawe behenti kje... Huhu sbb katanya kjer kawe dekak rumoh and zaman loni susah cri kijo. Hurm jadi kawe redho jela..... Again redho.

What makes im happy while working? Hehe i meet alot of nice people good people who honestly want to help people. Hurm okey cliche jawapan i. Real answer is, mr. Soft spoken. Dia, i will meet only once in a month. So soft spoken pemalu sampai aku pon tunduk je.. But we're not any term of blah blah hehe. But dia mmg kalau dlm list tu 10 out of 10. Hehehe tak panas baran, know how to treat people well. Hope x merokok. Yerp nmpk tak merokok. Hehe.

Tujer la.. But its really me who plays so subtle naturally not rush in term of blah blah hehe.. Coz im believe if he/she are wrtten  to be yours, she/ he will. 

Semalam aku bawak 'honda sport special series' hariadi langgar bump sikit, bumper jatuh keesokannya. Huhu sorry la. Just try sikit blum excident ke apa kan. X sangka la plak.. Hurmmm 

0 000 orang sayang Tarzan!!: